Google – Working on Language Recognition for Voice Search

Google is building an innovative and latest feature for Voice Search, which will allocate you to request a query in one of your multiple languages – without any manual configuration your own mother tongue every time.


In the present time, the company converts your speech or the spoken words and also queries based on the Voice solutions and the default languages that you have put up for other relevant Google services. To modify this technology on the desktop version of your PC, then you have to select the Settings option, followed by the languages icon in the results page, before creating an original selection.


If you have that query in your mind, for whether it works or not then “yes” it works, but it is not precisely intuitive or quick. Mr. Jon Wiley, who is a Principal Designer for Google Search, claimed that the corporation is functioning on a novel feature that will permit you to set numerous languages at the same time. So if you talk in both English and French, then you can exchange on the fly and then Google will change it automatically.